About Us

Lets face it, there is nothing quite like a great handbag! Nothing else in the world combines passion, beauty, status, craftsmanship's and wow factor like a handbag.

There is plenty of choice and plenty of reasons as to why and that has driven a new market for handbags with lots and lots of sellers out there.

So why Follow That Bag? Simply, with too much choice comes too much noise so we are on a mission to only hold a small select amount in our collection which drives us to only buy great bags and will do wonders for your Insta!

We also know that to keep it fresh, a bag may not be a piece for life or something you want to hold on to (even though the luxury handbag market is becoming a very popular place for asset investors!) so we want to be a place where people who look after their things have a place to sell it at a reasonable price without the stress of other platforms. When you become part of the #followthatbag community and start buying pieces from us we give our customers the opportunity to sell the bag back to us at a pre agreed price.

Have a Bag to sell?

We are always on the look out for high quality, well loved bags. If you are thinking of selling something from your collection just get in touch with the details and we will look to offer a competitive price and avoid the high cost of selling websites.

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